SUBJECT: Apex Oral History Project
Dear Friends of the Society,
The AHS Web Committee has embarked on a project to capture the oral history and the heritage of the historical buildings, structures and homes of Apex. This project consists of two major parts;
PART-I: Research and document the heritage of the historical buildings, structures and homes of Apex—recording and archiving documents and interviews, and transfering many to DVD—and placing results on the AHS web site.
PART-II: Capture and document the oral history from residents of Apex recording on digital video, transferring to DVD, archiving and making the results available on the AHS web site.
The committee, currently in Phase-I of both Project Parts I & II, is completing the following preparations for the Oral History and Historical Building Project. It is anticipated that the project will take at least 2 if not 3 years to complete, with the last phase a system to capture and record Apex history as an ongoing initiative.
Phase-I: Planning and Preparation
Oral History Goals & Objectives
- Building, Structure & Home Heritage Goals & Objectives
- Project Information & Kick-Off Letter
- Interview Criteria, Format & Content
- Interview Clients List
- Project Volunteers
- Project Scope of Work
- Video Recording Arrangements
- Video Recording Schedule
- Volunteer Scope of Work
- Volunteer Workshop & Training
- Volunteer Assignments & Schedules
- Project PR & Marketing
- Video Transcripts of DVD Production
- Document Recording Plan & Process (books, letters, diaries, photos)
- Apex High School Reunion Coordinator
- Early Bird Interviews & Recordings
- Minority History Plan
History Trivia: Do you know when and who coined the Apex town slogan? “Peak of Good Living!”
There is so much to be done to get started and we know we can count on each member to take an assignment to see this project through. The Committee is scheduled to meet every two weeks in regular session to review the scope of the project, to assess progress and to make Scope of Work adjustments as required to keep the project moving forward to completion.
We will be contacting each of you soon to request your commitment and consideration for an assignment in the Oral History and Building History project. This project is a great opportunity for every member to assist and make a contribution. Also, we hope that this project will interest members of the community and will bring in new membership as the news and excitement of our efforts filters outward. Many, certainly, will want to be part of this most important contribution to our town’s history and heritage.
Pete and Sharon Galluzzo, owners of Home Video Studio Inc., have graciously committed to provide professional video recording and then transfer to DVD the interviews and discussions with Apex residents as they share their history of Apex. Home Video Studio Inc. is located at their home in Apex Scotts Mill Subdivision at 304 Hickory Bottom Ct. (919-267-3409). Join us in thanking them for making this professional service available to AHS and the Oral and Building History Project You can check out their company at
You will be getting a call soon to solicit your time in one of the many actions and activities on our Things-To-Do List to complete this project.
Additionally you can start making a list of folks you think would be good for us to contact for an interview. Make your own notes on Apex History from your perspective and any information you may have or remember on old buildings, structures and homes in Apex. Think about books, letters, diaries, documents, posters, cards, programs, photos, movies and video tapes of Apex you have which might be important to the content of the recorded history. We would like to borrow any of these so we can copy, scan and record their information. Please pull these things together and let us know what you have when we make contact with you. In the meantime the committee will be finishing up Phase-I and beginning Phase-II in the second half of 2008 and should have all committee and Things-To-Do assignments completed and communicated.
That’s all for now…. We do look forward to you participation and what this will mean to all residents both present and future of our little village of Apex “The Peak of Good Living”.
Preserving Heritage – Protecting History
History Trivia: What was Apex known as before it was named “Apex” & why?